Apply now at the Helmholtz School for Data Science in Life, Earth and Energy (HDS-LEE). We work on the very latest issues that impact our society and are offering you the chance to actively help in shaping the change! The HDS-LEE PhD positions are located at one of the 5 partners. We offer ideal conditions for you to complete your doctoral degree.
The graduate school will provide funding for 24 doctoral reseacher positions.
The graduate school program is addressed to excellent students with mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and engineering master degrees from all over the world who are willing to work at the interface between domain-related research and data science. Applicants must have appropriate knowledge concerning computer science in general, since HDS-LEE does not provide education in computer science fundamentals such as programming.
Candidates will be offered a clearly structured three-year program comprising:
- Lecture “data science methods and applications”
- Compulsory elective training courses, e.g. training days at the Jülich Supercomputing Center (JSC)
- Annual retreat
- Participation in (international) conferences
- Transferable skills and career advancement
Since the official program language is English, language courses may also be taken. German skills are not mandatory. However, non-German speakers are generally advised to choose German courses from the transferable skills curriculum during their first year of study, as German language knowledge is very important for daily life and for pursuing a future career in Germany.
Doctoral researchers in HDS-LEE are appointed with a three-year fully-paid (100% in German payscale E13), with a probation period of six months. Optionally, and in agreement with the supervisor, the appointment can be interrupted for up to six months for an industrial internship.
I benefit very much from getting a broad overview of different topics where data science/ML is helpful, which also helps to see new methods, think out of the box, and come up with new ideas
Jan Rittig
is researching Graph-Based Machine Learning for Computer-Aided Molecular Design.
- A completed master’s degree in mathematics, computer science, natural sciences or engineering
- TOEFL or equivalent evidence of English-speaking skills (English as main school subject in the Abitur is considered equivalent)
- A high level of scholarship as indicated, for example, by bachelor and master study transcripts and reference letters
The application documents must include
- Application letter explaining your motivation for the position and your research interests
- Curriculum vitae
- Bachelor and master study transcript(s) and certificate(s) from universities previously attended
- TOEFL score or equivalent evidence of English-speaking skills (English as main school subject in the Abitur is considered equivalent)
- At least two letters of recommendation / reference letters
Please submit the application documents for your desired position as a PDF according to the procedure mentioned at the end of each job advertisement; either by e-mail to the supervisor or upload them in the recruiting system. Deadlines are indicated in the job advertisements.
Equal career prospects for women and men. Severely disabled applicants with equal qualification will be given preferential consideration.
You can find our vacancies here

We highly appreciate to associate members of RWTH Aachen University, the University of Cologne, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, and Forschungszentrum Jülich. The doctoral researchersfunded by third parties or other programs can be associated, if they are in the first few months of their doctoral studies and their projects fit into HDS-LEE overall topics. They can participate fully in the HDS-LEE program. For details, please contact
Click below for answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
How can I apply?
Application procedure
Please submit the application documents for your desired position(s) as a PDF according to the procedure mentioned at the end of each job advertisement, either by e-mail to the supervisor or by upload to the recruiting system.
Can I apply for more than one position?
Can I apply for more than one position?
Of course you can apply for various positions you are interested in as different professors at distinct institutes supervise the projects. Therefore, you must submit your application documents separately for each position.
Can I apply although I haven't finished my master's degree yet?
Can I apply although I haven't finished my master's degree yet?
You may already apply now even if you have not yet completed your Master studies. In this case, please submit a list of courses including marks that you have attended up to now. In case your documents are not written in English or German, please submit a translation in addition to the scan of the original document. You can translate the documents by yourself. A certified translation is not required for initial consideration.
To which language should I translate the certificates/transcripts?
To which language should I translate the certificates/transcripts?
If the documents are not written in English or German, they should be translated preferably into English.
Should all translations be certified?
Should all translations be certified?
For initial consideration unofficial translations may be accepted and, of course, PDFs of the original as well as the translated content. For final admission, official documents will be required, which means that the translation of all of your documents should be certified.
May I digitize the paper sheets provided by the translator and send them as PDFs?
May I digitize the paper sheets provided by the translator and send them as PDFs?
For initial consideration, PDFs are accepted. For final admission, you should hand in a certified original translation, as a digitized version will not be accepted.
What should I do if my email does not reach the recipient?
What should I do if my email does not reach the recipient?
In case you get an error message when sending the email please check if the message size does not exceed the size limits. The attachments should usually not exceed 10 MB. If that does not help, please contact
How long does it take until I receive feedback after sending my application?
How long does it take until I receive feedback after sending my application?
The decision on admission is usually given within 3 months after receipt of the application or after expiry of the advertising deadline.
What would be the title of the degree after completing the thesis?
What would be the title of the degree after completing the thesis?
In Germany you get the doctor title. Depending on the choosen project, you will get either the title Dr. rer. nat. or Dr.-Ing. at one of the following universities: RWTH Aachen, University of Cologne, or HHU Düsseldorf.
Do I need to submit a “Test of English as a Foreign Language” (TOEFL) results?
Do I need to submit a “Test of English as a Foreign Language” (TOEFL) results?
Candidates with degrees from English-speaking institutions do not need to send TOEFL results. Alternative documentation of English language ability, such as Gymnasium records, are accepted as well.
What is a minimum TOEFL score required for admission?
What is a minimum TOEFL score required for admission?
TOEFL scores are just one of the factors in the admission process. No strict range is specified.
The TOEFL test is very expensive. Do you accept also other tests?
The TOEFL test is very expensive. Do you accept also other tests?
We accept all kinds of evidences of your English-speaking skills, such as IELTS® academic module or Pearson (PTE) scores. English as main school subject in the Abitur is considered likewise.
Do I need to have proven German language abilities?
Do I need to have proven German language abilities?
Even if knowing German is very helpful in daily life, it is not required for application. Even so there will be opportunities to take German classes.
Can I do an internship at HDS-LEE?
Can I do an internship at HDS-LEE?
Generally, the program is designed for doctoral researchers who are assigned to HDS-LEE specific projects and have their projects at the respective institutes. A doctoral internship is not planned. If you are interested in a general internship, you could specifically contact members of HDS-LEE.
Does HDS-LEE provide funding for my doctoral project if I am already working on my doctorate?
Does HDS-LEE provide funding for my doctoral project if I am already working on my doctorate?
The graduate school program is designed for students with a Master’s degree or who will complete their Master’s degree within the next few month. We will not finance already existing doctoral projects. We can only fund the positions that are advertised on our Admission site:
Can I be admitted to HDS-LEE even though I am already a doctoral researcher at another institution?
Can I be admitted to HDS-LEE even though I am already a doctoral researcher at another institution?
HDS-LEE doctoral research stage is meant to be taken in its entirety, i.e., full three years. No "credit" for research performed elsewhere will be given.
If you are a doctoral researcher at RWTH, FZJ, DLR, UzK, or MPIE and funded by third parties, you will have the opportunity to become an “associated doctoral researcher”. As requirement for becoming an “associated doctoral researcher” you have to be in the first few months of your doctoral studies and your project should fit into HDS-LEE overall topics. “Associated doctoral researchers” can participate fully in the HDS-LEE program. For details, please contact
Do I have to apply through the recruiting portal?
Do I have to apply through the recruiting portal?
If the job application asks for it, you should apply through the recruiting portal.
Do unsolicited applications have a chance?
Do unsolicited applications have a chance?
In most cases, unsolicited applications do not make much sense as there are usually specific demands for the positions at HDS-LEE. Therefore, please apply for one of our current vacancies.
However, you are always welcome to write an unsolicited application for a position as diploma candidate or to write your bachelor or master dissertation. Please send your application directly to the institute where you would like to write your dissertation.