Transferable skill course:

Academic Presentation

Thursday, 19.05. - Friday, 20.05.2022 · whole day

Academic Presentation

A good presentation begins with good preparation. Participants work on exercises that help them understand the best techniques in developing the right presentation by answering questions like: Who will be present? Where will I give my talk? How can I most effectively present my research material? What determines success?
Beyond that, the doctoral candidates learn how body language can help them and strengthen their presentations, both in stressing their arguments and in authentically revealing their personalities.
In the course of the workshop, all participants will give their presentation in front of their fellows.Each presentation will be followed by a discussion slot and an intense 360-degree feedback given by fellow participants and the trainer.
Finally, we take on the discussion time following the presentation. What must the speaker keep in mind? How to tackle difficult questions and situation professionally? Knowing how to master this will make the Ph.D. candidate feel more comfortable and confident.
In the two days of seminar work, they develop a solid foundation of effective strategies so that they can systematically preparesound talks, improve their presentation skills, and increase their own self-perception. The participants will recognize their strengths and know how they can correct and improve critical parts of their presentations.


  • Giving numeroustalks, including oneover their current research
  • Taking questions, also difficult ones, in the follow-up discussion
  • Using body language influentially and with success


In this workshop, participants hone their skills in giving scientific presentations in English and taking part in professional discussions following their own talks. In addition,they increase their awareness and use of good body language and vocal methods.

Trainer: Julie Stearns

Registration required. Please contact