Helmholtz Data Science Career Day 2021

Please visit us at the 2nd virtual Helmholtz Data Science Career Day 2021 on September 22.
The event is aimed at young scientists at an early career stage interested in the field of Data Science at a Helmholtz Center or our partners. Please have a look here. Registration is now open.
Data Scientists are in demand on the job market: all 18 Helmholtz Centers have already advertised several positions calling for skills in AI methods in 2021. At the Helmholtz Data Science Career Day on September 22, 2021, centers and partner institutions will now come together to present career opportunities from PhD to professorship in all research areas to international Data Science talents.
The early afternoon conference program will provide insight into the exciting research and pathways of data scientists at the Centers: How does one get to lead a supercomputing center that hosts one of the top-15 fastest high-performance computers in the world? What does it mean to earn a PhD in Marine Data Science? And what career tips do experienced female data scientists give other women? These questions and more will be answered online in video format in lectures and panels with Q&As.
The late afternoon offers more opportunity for networking. In Chatroulette-like video chats, Data Science talents first meet with new scientists from the centers every five minutes. After that, there will be opportunities to deepen conversations at the expo booths in a videoconference format.
This year, 23 exhibitors will be present, including the German Aerospace Center, the German Cancer Research Center, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf, Helmholtz Center Berlin, Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine and the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ. In addition to other Helmholtz institutions, partners such as bitkom, the German Academic Exchange Service and the Israel Data Science Initiative will also present themselves at the Career Day.
Helmholtz Data Science Career Day 2021 is being organized for the second time by the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy. Last year, the event attracted around 550 visitors from 80 countries.
Would you like to attend the Helmholtz Data Science Career Day? Learn more and register here.